This is the REST API of It can be used to get information about fake emails and fake sms numbers.
You can get a sample PHP class and a sample PHP script to show basic API usage here.
The authentication is done by your secret API key. Please check this page if you don't have an API key, yet.
The API key is embedded in the URI of each API request. I. e.:
This applies for all request methods (GET and POST).
API endpoints
The base URI for the API is:
Live system:
You can see the full URI to use for the different API methods below.
Please contact if you need further information.
Request format
All request parameters besides the number/email address to check are passed via JSON. Which parameters can be used is stated at the corresponding API section below.
Response format
The API returns a HTTP status code and json a object in the response body. The json object (if existent) always contains an 'error' attribute.
{ "error": true, "message": "TYPE_OF_ERROR", "information": "...", ... }
The attribute 'error' is set to true if something was wrong with your call. Please be aware that the API also uses HTTP error status codes, so you will have to evaluate the json response on '400', '403' and '404' status codes, too.
If the 'error' attribute is true, you will get one or more further attributes:
General error typesshow
Here you get the type of error that occurred. Specific error types for the different API methods are explained below. These are the general error codes:
Our server could not read the HTTP method (GET, POST) that you sent.
You did not send a valid HTTP method (GET, POST).
The HTTP method you used is not supported by this endpoint.
The API URI that you called is not valid.
The API version you set is unsupported.
The API URI you called did not contain any valid endpoint.
The API URI you called did not contain any query for a phone number or email address.
The API URI you called contains an endpoint that is not known to the system.
You did not provide your API auth key in the request.
You did provide an invalid API auth key in the request.
You did provide an expired API auth key in the request.
This key is not valid for the ip you used.
You have made more requests in a specific amount of time than you are allowed to. Please check the information field for further data.
The method you called require a JSON object in the request body, but it was missing.
The JSON data in your request body could not be decoded.
The request you sent could not be understand.
The API call failed for an unknown reason. If this persists please contact the support.
If there are further information regarding the error, these are conained in this attribute. For example this can be the value you submitted causing the error or information about your rate limits.